Confidence and Charisma

Confidence and Charisma

Confidence and Charisma Concierge Coaching and Mentoring 

Unlocking the Secret Key to becoming Visible in Your Life to Shine in Your World!

Fully Exposed

Fully Expressed

Fully Engaged

Fully Realized

Many people who benefit from a private reading session with Dr. Robert continue to develop a deeper understanding of their personal growth with his Confidence and Charisma Concierge Coaching and Mentoring Success Strategy tailored specifically for your unique independent success in both business and personal development. Dr. Robert has developed, from the wealth of his experience, assessment and diagnostic success strategies to benefit his clients to greater personal empowerment in positive and healthy relationships, business and  wealth growth.

Dr. Robert personally knows the value of wealth and success coaching. He has participated in sessions with the top professionals in personal development,  wealth management,  and branding your business.  Because of his personal hands-on experiences in receiving the benefits from these master teachers he is now positioned to guide entrepreneurs, business woman and men alike in building their global presence through publishing, radio and television visibility, production, artistic development, style, fashion and businesses focusing on supporting a better co-creative relationship in the world market more consciously and authentically. He is also active in social media, internet radio,  television, film, stage production, speaking and power performance to package, sell from the stage and building your business from the ground up utilizing tele-summits, webinars, online bootcamps, speaking engagements, conferences, networking events and most importantly developing a support system that is positive and creative customized to support positive steps through developing your confidence and ability to step into your power and shine your brilliance clearly and honestly to produce and attract the love you need and require to bring harmony to the level of love you give. The tools and strategies he has developed through his channels of support are also made available to his Concierge Clients including producing the perfect Press Kit, Empowerment Pitch to land the opportunity, Strategy Script to attract, interview, vet and make the offer to land your ideal client. There are formulas, scripts, and systems of information to produce your perfect success story professional customized to bypass the “reject” pile and receive the “YES” your the one we want to play with! 

The key word for his clients is VISIBILITY. Creating a greater presence in their community locally, nationally and internationally is a process. Dr. Robert’s ability to utilize tools he has developed in his manual for living: Spiritual Bootcamp: This Is Your Wake Up Call®, The Peace Network®, Imaginators Inc®, All Access Pass®,  and Shine Your Life® are integral training formulas and strategy systems for building lasting relationships, healing your business, and manifesting the successful climate for long-lasting collaborative business and personal relationship because of your Confident and Charismatic authentic energetic communication.



 The Confidence and Charisma Concierge Coaching and Mentoring Success Strategy is offered in three modules:

Creation, Visibility and Show Me The Money!


Workshops, Webinars, Tele-summits, and Personal Development Tools through Wealth Coaching

 Spiritual Bootcamp®

This system is a nine step program to support your greater understanding of why you create what you create in the negative and the positive. Using his “Map of Manifestation”   to expand your creative understanding of what you attract and what you give in your process with others. The biggest issues facing you are often clarity, self-love, self-esteem, trust, commitment and understanding. Whether you are presently exploring your own intuition or still not feeling it in the gut Spiritual Bootcamp explores simple practices and blueprints to enhance and strengthen traits presently under-developed in your  wisdom. These tools have been taught to thousands of people worldwide over the course of nine years with great success. The personal testimonials to this work could fill a book! In your personal wealth coaching program you will have the benefit of one on one training with Dr. Robert who will encourage and support your personal develop.

 Imaginators, Inc.®

There are two avenues you can take on your path to great wealth, happiness, joy and success. One path is built on wishful thinking, hopefulness, and luck. Often times the things you want to create do not ever come to pass and sometimes they do.  This path is usually taken when a person feels  disconnected from the world, never sure whether the decisions they make are the right ones or often feel lost, abandoned, betrayed or overlooked when it comes to having the wealth they see in the world. More times than not, this path is developed bit by bit over time. In small ways the little decisions made everyday are filtered by a wall of terror that reminds a person daily that new experiences are dangerous and it is best to stick to options already understood. Unfortunately the small decisions that are made everyday ultimately become the life work of a person in the big picture. It was never meant to turn out this way but over time it becomes inevitable.

The other path is built on magical thinking, inner knowing, clarity, commitment, vision and training. The choice this person responds to is decisive and heartfelt. Again the response comes from the Inner Knower observing the wall of terror placed before them by their mind and knows it is an illusion placed there by past experiences and belief system that are no longer desired.  They are now willing to move in the direction they are compelled to go. No matter how terrifying the mind believes their choices to be.

Breaking through this wall takes desire, decisions, training and support to accomplish. None of us succeed with support from those who have already pushed through their own walls of terror. This is the path you have already imagined for yourself. And with the training and support Dr. Robert offers you in his Imaginators, Inc® training program will guide and unite your desire through magical thinking and imagination to respond to the success awaiting you on the other side.

Tele-summits, Workshops,Webinars, Radio, Stage and Television

In his ongoing support and belief in your desire to succeed Dr. Robert offers all his coaching partners and clients the first opportunity to enroll in all his online and conference packages. Early special offers will be available to you for all materials, training and personal appearances he develops. Building lasting relationships is the cornerstone of success.  The possibilities are endless. It is up to you.

VIP Half Day/4 Hours

VIP Full Day/8 Hours

Annual Concierge Coaching and Mentoring “Diamond”

Annual Concierge Coaching and Mentoring “Platinum” 



 To book an immediate VIP Half Day with Dr Robert  click here


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