Dr. Robert is available for a variety of Intuitive Readings, Intuitive Numerology Readings and Coaching Consultations.
Intuitive Readings
This 30 minute session is perfect for people who have specific questions in mind and feel they don’t need a full hour reading. Once you have booked your appointment you will be re-directed to a calendar to set your time and day. Pick the appropriate date and time that is convenient for you. The session will be recorded and you will receive a link to the audio download as soon as possible. Dr. Robert will hone in on your personal questions with great detail.
COST: $300
A sixty-minute session is the standard length for a reading with Dr. Robert. Once you have booked your appointment you will be re-directed to a calendar to set your time and day. Pick the appropriate date that is convenient for you. Unless there are further questions needed by Dr. Robert you will only be contacted at the specific time. The session will be recorded and you will receive a link to the audio download as soon as possible. Be prepared if you have specific questions. Dr. Robert likes to get to the heart of your questions quickly so he can move through the reading giving you maximum attention to all details.
COST: $500
Dr. Robert has spent many years developing strategies to identify valuable tools to support greater understanding for small businesses, entrepreneurship, organizations and corporations providing personal advice, feedback, and information to help you:
- Assess, confirm, and enhance your current plans
- Discover & evaluate new opportunities
- Acquire new ideas
- Expanding where your business is and where it’s going
- Understanding any obstacles or blocks in the present future
- Evaluating your present business strategy to be more a more effective decision maker
All of this is designed so that you can make the best decisions possible for your business.
Sessions are 30 mins, but can be extended to 1 hour.
COST: $500
The purpose of a couple’s session is to reveal the spiritual, psychological and physical dynamics that form the foundation of the relationship. Dr. Robert focuses on what each person brings to the relationship, both strengths and weaknesses, and discusses how each person contributes to the healing of the other. The dynamics of a relationship create an entity all its own with aspects of both people. If the relationship is harmonious it will thrive in a co-creative field of support and love. Finding this balance is the journey of the people involved and how well they are able to communicate their needs to the other and listen, understand and accept the needs of the other as well.
Your relationship can benefit from a couples reading by:
- understanding what changes when you change your way of thinking about what you want
- letting go of old stories that keep getting in the way of new experiences with each other
- healing loss, betrayal, abuse and pain from the past
- how each person can recognize themself in the other and love what they see
- developing a deeper understanding of the love each have for the other
- opening a portal for new dialogue with positive results
- correcting the course and finding the right direction to achieve lasting intimacy
COST: $500
Intuitive Numerology Readings
This 30-minute session details your life path, destiny path, all blocks currently preventing forward action. Although the ideal session is one hour, this time constraint covers very detailed and accurate information regarding your karmic cycle, power numbers, personal year, financial and relationship opportunities. During this session you will also learn which numbers are helping you to create and which numbers energetically you are resisting. Once you have booked your appointment you will be re-directed to an calendar to set your time and day. Pick the appropriate date and time convenient for you. The reading is recorded and a link will be forwarded to you for your personal review. Dr. Robert will hone in on your personal questions with great detail so come ready with your questions!
COST: $300
This sixty-minute session details everything listed in the 30-minute session but adds a great deal more detail regarding your relationship with family, business and friends. How each of these relationships are benefiting you or are toxic and how best to resolve any issues currently preventing harmony and growth. Also covered in the session is an enhanced Q&A of any and all issues, obstacles, connections and plans you need understood in a deeper way. Once you have booked your appointment you will be re-directed to an calendar to set your time and day. Pick the appropriate date and time convenient for you. The reading is recorded and a link will be forwarded to you for your personal review. Please be sure you come fully prepared with questions you need resolved. Dr. Robert will zero in and help you get clarity.
COST: $500
This thirty-minute session details current influences and alignments available to your business strategy. Timing is everything in business and having a deeper understanding which partnerships are accessible, honest and energetic can make the difference between success and prolonged obstacles. Whether you are the only person in your company or have many partners you are building lifelong relationships. An intuitive numerology reading will benefit by:
- Enhancing your understanding of all relationships you are currently involved
- Discuss the timing of each step to the next level
- What personal blocks you may have that are preventing you from taking the next step to success
- Planning a strategy to attract wealth, support and expertise
- Examine any fears, self-doubt and commitments
In this session your business strategy will be examined to insure you are getting all you need to be successful.
COST: $500
In this detailed thirty-minute session Dr Robert will examine the energetic field created between the couple. Understanding the dynamic relationship between people opens the possibility to stronger bonds and a lasting relationship. Intuitive numerology will exam the blueprint between the couple and the footprint you are making to create more harmony, love and understanding. Together you will both exam what you have in common and what you are resisting with each other and how this affects the total well being of the relationship. Whether you are presently in a relationship or thinking about a mutual commitment this reading will clarify any and all possible obstacles to being healthy, happy and fulfilled with each other. Numerology is a great tool to exam what works and what doesn’t work and why. Whether it is issues with trust, commitment, financial support, self-love, empowerment or intimacy this session will leave you feeling more powerful and clear. Dr. Robert believes there is nothing more sacred than the bond of love and the partnership that enhances that love. He has been in a loving relationship for over 20 years learning and growing from the deeper meaning of a relationship.
COST: $500
In addition to any and all the above sessions with Dr. Robert you can also receive a detailed numerology chart of your birth date, birth name and married name. An understanding of how the numbers describe, detail and blueprint all the decisions you make and why is fascinating. Having a deeper understanding of your personal potential will benefit you in all decisions you make. Also it is something you can refer back to as a reminder of why you do what you do, attract what you attract, receive and give, and most importantly how you can change your mind to move in a new direction to have the lasting new experiences that make your life more joyful. Dr. Robert does not formulate this numerology chart form a computer software application, he exams individually the important attributes, aspects and alliances you are creating in your path. This unique intuitive numerology chart will be a lasting tool for years to come. Receiving an annual update of your destiny path and choices, personal year ahead, and power numbers is of ongoing benefit as well.
COST: $250
Dr. Robert combines real-life business experience with industry expertise, education, and advanced training. He is a business owner and has held executive positions. His background includes and is not limited to being awarded The Good Fellowship Award by the government of Japan for his work in bringing together the American Military/Japanese community with children programs, produced musicals and theater internationally, designed and produced off-Broadway, repertory theater, opera, film and television. Spent 25 years in production in the entertainment industry including multi-million dollar films and television series.. Managed health and fitness programs in Japan, Italy and the U.S. abroad for the military special services and corporations like Bally’s Health and Fitness. Designed restaurants, theaters,costumes, and children’s programs internationally including most recently, building a bankrupt consignment business into a million dollar business in less than a year. He is presently CEO of Robert Pease International.
Besides having a passion for the creative world of show business Dr. Robert is a gifted intuitive who has spent a lifetime developing expertise in a variety of business. He is also a Doctor of Philosophy studying human potential enthusiastically for many decades. Over the years he has taught his programs to thousand of students, business professional and people just looking to expand their own understanding of human nature, love and creativity found from living a passionate life. Dr. Robert developed his specific coaching arena to provide greater clarity in life purpose. If you are developing a new business in the healing arts, a retail store, an online business in coaching, healing, or any opportunity which still needs greater clarity and understanding this module of coaching programs or just individual coaching and mentoring will provide solutions. Besides living in the fast pace world of social media integration, branding and recognition, advertising, building a brand and developing strategies for a sustainable business it is important to receive guidance and support for yourself in your business. All the modules listed here are helpful solutions to growing a sustainable business and life that will be productive and healthy.
- SPIRITUAL BOOTCAMP® ~ This Coaching module is personal coaching based on my popular workshop and online seminar series, and the subject of my book Spiritual Bootcamp: This Is Your Wake Up Call. Using my proven techniques Dr. Robert will empower you to manage your understanding of how your “Map of Manifestation” develops your ability to create by design a life filled with a healthy living experience while growing your fullest potential in all you endeavor. This program, originally created as a toolbox of different practices available for human potential seekers has grown into a program offering you the ability to understand how you map your life. In a very short time you will gain more than enough wisdom to benefit your personal growth to gain very positive results. You will learn to read yourself clearly and those around you to see where issues and obstacles graduate into blocks. Tapping into a deeper understanding of intentions, intuition, clarity, commitment, trust, vision, understanding, wisdom and determination will harvest the results you are desiring but not receiving consistently in your manifestation. This module will give you the insight to prevent further disruptions in your life path to full potential. This program includes tools to support a body positive experience, a healing heart and a more creative ability to let go of self doubt.
- IMAGINATORS, Inc.® ~ This Coaching module is personal coaching around issues with the big “L” word lack. Whether we want to admit is or not to others everyone deals with this issue. It is a universal issue created by the human nature of needing safety. Our programs and past experiences remind us daily of why things don’t always work out the way we want them to and continue to support why we shouldn’t take steps that are risky. We are also taught that new experiences which have yet to be tested are dangerous to our safety. The way the mind creates repetitious thoughts and images to prevent us from moving forward with our deepest desires is to place a wall of terror in front of us to say stop don’t go any further! This wall of terror is an illusion created by past programs and experiences to remind us why we need to stop and ultimately be blocked from moving forward. The mind is a tricky maze of information to protect us from not getting hurt again. Unfortunately the mind does not understand the deeper feelings bubbling up inside of us placed in the mind as desires. Urges to do more, be more, have more, want more understand more is a basic human process developed in creative consciousness to grow! Breaking through barriers to create new experiences is what this module is all about. Techniques developed by teachers for over a hundred years are explored in this module along side Dr. Robert’s personal techniques for busting through the wall of terror which keeps showing up as lack. In this four step module you will learn how to step through your past experiences and programs to create the wealth in life you deserve. Imagination is the key to unfolding the future and then processing backwards to your present condition to support a new way of creating your life by design and overriding past negative experiences and programs preventing you from breaking through your wall of terror resonating as self doubt, stress, misinformation, disbelief and worry. You will discover secrets of success and harness the power of imagination to living a fulfilled and successful story.
- Tele-summits, Workshops and Webinars ~ The key word in this module is visibility! I often hear from clients they are busy creating their company, dream or passion and working to develop success, however when they are asked if they are also building a vast presence in the market with their personal image they often say not as much as they would like. This usually means they are not doing very much at all. The reason is not about shyness as much as it is feeling comfortable about how they will be received and how clear their message is to begin with. It takes a lot of courage to get in front of your dream and make it real to the audience especially if you have not been in front of the camera or microphone. In this module you will be coached on techniques to allow yourself to show your vulnerable attributes successfully. Also how to plan and implement your programs to a worldwide audience. You will also learn how to better understand public relations, media, social media plus how you can build your visibility on television, radio and the internet. Most importantly you will learn to outline and build your projects to realization and create a bigger audience. Dr. Robert has been on both sides of production in radio, television, film, stage and the internet. He also has built a large platform in social media. Getting your message out into the world is a major reason you have a business or want to build a business and the blocks to getting yourself visible will dissolve. You will learn how to build your social media, create successful webinars and telesummits, build a public relations network on the radio, television and the internet.
Whether you sign up to focus on SPIRITUAL BOOTCAMP®, IMAGINATORS, Inc.®, or Tele-summits, Workshops and Webinars coaching modules, or general coaching, you will gain fast results to begin immediately to implement proven tools to success! It is first important to imagine, then believe it is true for you!~ Dr Robert Pease
Package of six (up to) 1 hour coaching sessions | $3000